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Tuesday, January 22, 2008



- No, this is not an April Fool joke. Nor, by the way, isit the full extent of the Big Breakthrough. But its a good start. CitizensAgainst UFO Secrecy (CAUS) is reporting that the NSA has CONFIRMED the that theUS Air Force project code-named Aquarius is UFO-oriented. In their latest CAUSBULLETIN, editors Barry Greenwood and Lawrence Fawcett state the following: Oneof our members, Clifford Stone, received copies of letters sent to Senators JohnGlenn and Peter Domenici affirming that this was so. Stone requested theassistance of the Senators when the NSA became balky at responding to hisrequests on Aquarius. This comes as a striking reversal to previous statementsabout the non-relationship of Aquarius to UFOs. Apparently, the NSA does havetheir own "Project Aquarius" which they claim doesn't relate to UFOs. Feelingpressure from public inquiries which confused the NSA's "Aquarius" with therumored Aquarius/UFO project, the NSA seemingly has decided to "spill the beans"on the Air Force. Why this happened is unknown since a simple "no" to thesenators probably would not have gone any further. The NSA may have felt thatwith the number of inquiries coming in suddenly on Aquarius, there may have beena "smoking gun" in someone's hands that would have rendered additional denialsinto the category of "bald-faced lie".The significance of this revelation is this: 1) The Air Force, contrary topublic claims, continued investigating UFOs covertly at least until 1976. 2) Thedocument which first tipped investigators off to the existence of Aquarius isnow rendered much more credible. That document also spoke of something calledMJ-12, a rumored high-level brain trust signed into existence by Harry S. Trumanin 1947 to study the UFO phenomenon. The next part of the Big Breakthrough isreported to be an admission by the Pentagon of the continued existence of MJ-12.I can now tell you the media to keep your eyes on for further revelations, ifany are forthcoming: The New York Times, and 60 Minutes. There are unconfirmedreports that the latter TV magazine will be featuring a very revealing story onthe UFO front sometime this month. There are CONFIRMED reports that the New YorkTimes Science editor has heard rumors flying around the Pentagon to the effectthat either A) there will be an official announcement, or B) a whistle-blower isabout to blow. In the same vein, last night I had a phone conversation withMajor James McGaha, co-founder of Tucson Skeptics, Inc., the same group thattoday awarded the first "Fuzzy" to former state rep Jim Cooper (see ews).Last year before going public with our info on Aquarius, I showed the documentto the Major, whose reaction was quite interesting. When I told him last nightthat the document had been reportedly confirmed by Sen's Glenn and Domenici, his
- reaction was somewhat different. "The letters from the Senators are probablyforged", he said. "You know, its like those letters from Sen. Goldwater thatwere circulated, to the effect that he had been denied entrance to some buildingat Wright-Patterson AFB, which was supposed to contain alien bodies. Thoseletters made the Senator look ridiculous! I'd be willing to bet some aide of hisjust pulled a joke. "ParaNet has confirmed that the Goldwater letters were nojoke. The Senator has admitted in several interviews that the event really tookplace. We are in the process of confirming the Glenn and Domenici letters.Details to follow.
- Jim

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Kongka La is the low ridge pass in the Himalayas (the blue oval in the map). It is in the disputed India-China border area in Ladakh. In the map the red zone is the disputed area still under Chinese control in the Aksai Chin area. The Chinese held northeastern part is known as Aksai Chin and Indian South West is known as Ladakh. This is the area where Indian and Chinese armies fought major war in 1962. The area is one of the least accessed area in the world and by agreement the two countries do not patrol this part of the border. According to many tourists, Buddhist monks and the local people of Ladakh, the Indian Army and the Chinese Military maintain the line of control. But there is something much more serious happening in this area.

According to the few local people on the Indian and Chinese sides, this is where the UFOs are seen coming out of the ground, According to many, the UFO underground bases are in this region and both the Indian and Chinese Government know this very well..

Recently, some Hindu pilgrims on their way to Mount Kailash from the Western pass, came across strange lights in the sky. The local guides while in the Chinese territory told them that this was nothing new and is a normal phenomenon from Kongka Pass area - the tensed border region between India and China. This strange lighted triangular silent crafts show up from underground and moves almost vertically up. Some of the adventurous pilgrims wanted to look into the site. They were first turned back by the Chinese guard posts as they were refused entry from the Chinese side. When they tried to approach the site from Indian side, the Indian border patrol also turned them down in spite of their permit to travel between the two countries

The pilgrims at that stage started quizzing the Indian border security personnel. The security personnel told them that they are ordered not to allow any one near the area of interest and it is true that strange objects come out from under the ground with amplified and modulated lights. India’s Special Operations Forces and the intelligence agencies are in charge of that area.

The locals start laughing in that area when they are asked about these UFO sightings. They get surprised why the Governments are so eager to hide these obvious facts. According to them the extra-terrestrial presence is well known and is in deep into the ground. They believe neither the Indian or Chinese Governments do not want to expose the fact for some reason. When they bring up this matter to local Governments, they are told to keep quiet and forget the same. This is the region where the Euresian plate and the Indian plate have created convergent plate boundaries. Convergent plate boundaries are formed where one plate dives under another. Consequently, this is one of the very few areas in the world where the depth of the earth's crust twice as thick as in other places. The opposite is found in hot spots like Yellow Stone National Park in America where the earth’s crust in thin.

The double thick earth-crust allows the creation of underground bases very deep into the tectonic plates.

Kongka La has beautiful rocks and granites. For some strange reasons neither the Chinese nor the Indian authorities ever excavate, dig or mine in this area. The area is pristine and untouched.

Recently, both India and China have moved forward to solve all border disputes and start the Sino-Indian relations all over again. The Aksai Chin area is still disputed. But interesting while negotiations both the Governments are indifferent on this area. India and China as shown in the accompanying maps have huge border areas along the Himalayas and they are negotiating on all these regions. Though India claims that Aksai Chin is part of India, the common belief in the Government is that it is not a show stopper. On the other hand, Chinese after winning Aksai Chin from India in 1962 war, built a strategic military highway. Now they are using an alternate highway not to bother with the area in Kongka La.

Recently in the local school, young children of the area entered into a drawing contest. More than half of the drawings had to do with strange objects in the sky and some coming out of the mountains. Many of them even know what and when to look for.

Many UFO researchers believe that there are hidden UFO bases under the ocean and deep under the ground. Kongka La is experiencing some strange phenomenon and suspicious objects coming out of the inaccessible huge mountains (Himalayas) and both the Governments refuse to come out and say what these are.

The other alternative is that it is an underground strategic Air Force base of some one. Then why will either country allow the base on the official no man’s land in the highly sensitive disputed border area? Why is this region continuously reporting UFO sightings from various kinds of people?


Was it a coincidence? Lots of people now from the Tsunami and earthquake hit areas are reporting about strange Unidentified Flying Objects they saw a few days before the mega quake and Tsunami. People in Indian state of Tamil Nadu, Andaman and Nicobar Island as well as many in Indonesia were reporting for some time about strange flying objects in the sky.

The local media in these areas did not know what to do with the reported sightings. But it seems now from the reports that many UFOs were in the sky and were trying to communicate something.

Some even are conjecturing that this horrific Tsunami and earthquake may be some kind of experiment. In Port Blair, the capital city of Andaman Island of India, last week some tourists saw strange silent flying objects. In Sumatra, remote places also had similar experiences for quite some time.

According to some UFO experts, UFOs always hover around the epicenter of major calamities. They somehow sense these coming natural disasters. Some believe that they try and communicate with us to warn. Some even believe these UFOs simulate natural disasters in the earth.

India especially in the Himalayas, China, Indonesia were experiencing heavy UFO sightings in recent days. Remote areas of Bangladesh, Mayanmar, and Andaman Island, Sri Lanka have also recently reported such sightings.

Indian Government and the military are quiet for a long time about these numerous UFO sightings. Some believe that India in recent days have been contacted like America was in the middle of the last century.

The recent excessive UFO sightings all over the world are forecasting serious disasters in the world. Many people believe, we are in for a rough time as far as earthquakes; volcano and similar natural calamities are concerned.

The lining up of Sun, Earth, Moon, Venus and Jupiter is dangerous. And this has caused some to belief that earthquakes can havoc the earth. As a matter of fact India has seen many earthquakes in last few months.

Earthquakes in India are not common like Japan.

It is possible that UFOs are trying to communicate to us to warn about the planetary positioning effects on the Earth’s tectonic plates and crust.

In older days, Mayans and Egyptians were always scared about planets lining up in one line. How did they know that earthquakes are eminent? It may be they did communicate with the extra-terrestrials and understood about planetary angular momentum theory that we just started learning this week!