If UFOs had not been reported by pilots of scheduled airliners, and military pilots in operation all over the globe, there might be some justification in writing off reports of ground observers as mistaken observations. For, if unknown objects are maneuvering in our skies, pilots would be among the most likely to see them. (Others whose professions cause them to spend many hours watching the skies, such as General Mills Corporation balloon trackers, also have reported numerous UFOs. [1])
Airline and military pilots are among the most experienced observers of the sky. Their profession requires them to spend hundreds of hours per year in the air. Few, if any, occupations require more practical knowledge of weather, other aircraft, and unusual activity such as missile tests. Undoubtedly, few groups of observers have seen more meteors or watched planets under a wider variety of sky conditions. In addition, professional pilots normally are trained in rapid identification of anything which may endanger a flight. Therefore, it is significant that airline and military pilots have reported a large number of totally unexplained UFO sightings.
Recognizing that airline pilots have special training and are in a unique position for observation, the Defense Department includes them in the military system of reporting vital intelligence sightings (CIRVIS), as detailed in the Joint Chiefs regulation JANAP-146(D). [See Section IX.] In 1954, the groundwork for CIRVIS reports was laid by meetings between representatives of the airlines and Military Air Transport Service (MATS) intelligence branch. The reason? "The nation's 8,500 commercial airline pilots have been seeing a lot of unusual objects while flying at night, here and overseas," Scripps-Howard reported. "But," the report continued, "there hasn't been much of an organized system of reporting to military authorities. . . [the airlines and MATS] agreed to organize a speedy reporting system so that a commercial pilot spotting strange objects could send the word to the Air Force in a hurry. The Air Force could then send jet fighters to investigate." [2]
With a few exceptions, most UFO reports on record from military pilots have come from the World War II and Korean War eras, or from recently retired officers. Military pilots, naturally, are restricted from discussing the sightings freely while they are on active duty. But airline pilots (although in recent years some times under pressure from their companies not to discuss sightings) have contributed some of the best reports on record.
There had been scattered reports by airline pilots previously but "In the Spring of 1950," the former Chief of the Air Force UFO project reported, "the airline pilots began to make more and more reports - - good reports. . . In April, May, and June of 1950 there were over thirty-five good reports from airline crews." [3] That June, Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker said in an interview:
"Flying saucers are real. Too many good men have seen them, that don't have hallucinations." Flying magazine, July 1950, published a roundup report on pilot sightings, giving them very serious treatment (as did other aviation journals in later years; for example, see RAF Flying Review, July 1957).
When NICAP was formed in 1956, four airline pilots (two of whom had personally sighted UFOs) joined the NICAP Panel of Special Advisers. Federal Aviation Agency personnel, aviation industry engineers, and other aviation experts also related their sightings and offered their services. Why are UFOs taken so seriously by professional pilots and aviation experts?
Monday, December 24, 2007
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11:56 PM
Saturday, December 1, 2007
The cover up by bush
NORTHRIDGE - The subject of "Area 51" has been denied by the United States Government for years. Though the conspiracy community was rocked by an admittance of a classified area, and an exempt order by a Presidential Determination signed by President Clinton in 1995. This "determination" by the President, said that the area near Groom Lake, Nevada, or known to most people as "Area 51", was exempt from all Federal, State, Interstate, or Local Hazardous laws that might require the disclosure of classified information.
Bush Continues Area 51 Cover-Up
Essentially, "Area 51" became a subject that was now not only classified, but exempt from any laws it may come subject to. It appeared that 'anything goes' at "Area 51".
However, there was some slim chance of hope, as near the bottom of the Presidential Determination, dated September 29th of 1995, said the "...exemption shall be effective for the full one-year statutory period." After a year, it appeared the order had to be renewed, until it was no longer needed or wanted.
In 1996, Presidential Determination #96-54 renewed the exempt status of "Area 51". In 1997, Presidential Determination #97-35 was the renewal. The exemptions went all the way until the new millennium, where in 2000, Clinton again signed Presidential Determination #2000-30, which made "Area 51" exempt from all laws currently on the books.
Though in 2001, the United States acquired a new President into the White House. Would this new leader still enact the 'determination' that this classified research area outside of Groom Lake, Nevada would be classified? With new national security advisors, new staff members and a different political party, it was hopeful we could see a chance in policy.
All hope failed on January 31, 2001, when President George W. Bush signed a letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate. This was deemed Presidential Determination #2001-27. In it, referencing Determination 2000-30, President Bush re-enacted the exempt status on "Area 51" and decided it should remain highly classified and hidden from any prying eyes.
Right into 2002, just 9 days ago, President Bush yet again signed a letter to the same individuals, with almost exactly the same wording, keeping the same exempt status on "Area 51". Not televised on the news, and being well over-shadowed by the current conflict in Afghanistan, conspiracy theorists worldwide would have to remain "exempt" from any information on the infamous base called "Area 51"
Theories have made their way across the Internet, from message forums to public petitions, asking for any information on such a controversial, highly secretive, subject. Were we dealing with a cover-up of nuclear waste dumping, or something more down the lines of a "alien stockpile". With the current trend of Presidential Determinations, it appears that the curious minds out there would never be satisfied.
Click on next page for the text of the Presidential Determination.
For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
January 30, 2003
Message to the Congress of the United States
Consistent with section 6001(a) of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) (the "Act"), as amended, 42 U.S.C. 6961(a), notification is hereby given that on September 13, 2002, I issued Presidential Determination 2002-30 (copy enclosed) and thereby exercised the authority to grant certain exemptions under section 6001(a) of the Act.
Presidential Determination 2002-30 exempted the United States Air Force's operating location near Groom Lake, Nevada, from any Federal, State, interstate, or local hazardous or solid waste laws that might require the disclosure of classified information concerning that operating location to unauthorized persons. Information concerning activities at the operating location near Groom Lake has been properly determined to be classified, and its disclosure would be harmful to national security. Continued protection of this information is, therefore, in the paramount interest of the United States.
The determination was not intended to imply that, in the absence of a Presidential exemption, RCRA or any other provision of law permits or requires the disclosure of classified information to unauthorized persons. The determination also was not intended to limit the applicability or enforcement of any requirement of law applicable to the Air Force's operating location near Groom Lake except those provisions, if any, that might require the disclosure of classified information.
January 29, 2003.
# # #
This is the Letter to Congress:
Presidential Letter to Congress
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
January 30, 2002
Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:)
Consistent with section 6001(a) of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) (the "Act"), as amended, 42 U.S.C. 6961(a), notification is hereby given that on September 18, 2001, I issued Presidential Determination 2001-27 (copy attached) and thereby exercised the authority to grant certain exemptions under section 6001(a) of the Act.
Presidential Determination 2001-27 exempted the United States Air Force's operating location near Groom Lake, Nevada, from any Federal, State, interstate, or local hazardous or solid waste laws that might require the disclosure of classified information concerning that operating location to unauthorized persons. Information concerning activities at the operating location near Groom Lake has been properly determined to be classified, and its disclosure would be harmful to national security. Continued protection of this information is, therefore, in the paramount interest of the United States.
The determination was not intended to imply that, in the absence of a Presidential exemption, RCRA or any other provision of law permits or requires the disclosure of classified information to unauthorized persons. The determination also was not intended to limit the applicability or enforcement of any requirement of law applicable to the Air Force's operating location near Groom Lake except those provisions, if any, that might require the disclosure of classified information.
# # #
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3:47 AM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Do abductees love the aliens?
Dr. John Mack says many abductees come to love their alien captors. A similar attitude is observed in in victims of terrorist-like captivity and dubbed the Stockholm Syndrome. Despite waking bruised and violated, abductees say their love for beings in the alien realm can surpass any human bond and generate a sense of oceanic oneness with the universe that rivals the experiences of a world-class meditator. Faust says he "realized we're not alone in the universe. There are beings out there who care about us. But getting to this point is a long, arduous journey, with a lot of people who want to deny your experience."
All of these elements are present in David Jacobs's retelling of the stories he heard in interviews with his patients, almost all of whom are women. Kathleen, Susan, Diane, Sarah, Cindy, Rozanne, Carla, Allison, Claudia, Beverly, Paula, Donna, Emily, Deborah, and Doris tell stories of displaced sexual desire, romantic fantasy, and reproductive ambivalence. Some even have had hysterectomies, and yet they tell of alien insemination and being forced to conceive an alien child. Could it be that they are mourning lost fertility, fearing lost sexuality? Although they sometimes express distress at their rapes, and at feelings of sexual arousal they wish to disown, the more unpleasant aspects of imagining forced sex with an alien are played down, and the emotional satisfactions played up. Many of the women fall in love with their "personal-project hybrids," male aliens who have lifelong relationships with them, choosing them for frequent sex and fathering their hybrid children.
There is a theory current in ufological research that says abductees who perceive their experiences in a negative way only do so because they themselves aren't spiritually or psychically advanced.
Persons with higher cosmic development have positive alien encounters, so the theory goes, and those who have painful or frightening experiences are merely spiritual Neanderthals. This is a pet theory of researchers who claim that aliens, whether objectively real or not, serve as "mirrors" of our spiritual nature, on an individual or a species-wide basis. Strieber has voiced this theory, for instance, in Majestic, where he says, "In the eyes of the others [the aliens], we who met them saw ourselves. And there were demons there."
In the case of spirit/demon possession, a large measure of the entities' success in the host depends on the host's cooperation. If the host finds power, profit or even love as a result of the visitors within (once they are recognized), then the host will naturally find the visitors presence more and more acceptable, often even transformational in the broadest sense, to the point of developing a love for and/or a dependency on them.
Posted by
3:13 AM
Monday, November 26, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
The Abduction Process
Several scientists and psychologists have been been categorizing all the accounts and trying to find patterns in the testimonies.Thomas Bullard has discovered a consistent structural order to events within abduction reports. There are eight types of events and they are preferentially ordered in this manner:
No abduction has every event, but events avoid appearing out of this sequence. Abductees aren't generally given a tour of the ship before examination or conference and so forth. The arrangement may be considered arbitrary from a rational standpoint. However, the fidelity of reports to this arrangement seems to indicate these are real experiences. We would expect the elements of the story to get jumbled if they were subjective.
Most abductee’s reports will follow the same scenario:
The abduction experience usually begins with the visual perception of a bright white light in the sky, field, etc..., or the abductee's bedroom. Individuals have reported to be abducted in every imaginable situation but they are most commonly abducted while they are in their beds or driving their car. Typically electronic devices and cars’ engines "go wild" or shut off. The aliens penetrate the bedrooms of the abductees, in most cases appearing as small gray beings with huge heads and big black eyes. It is mostly the memory of the aliens' entering into the abductee's home that remains preserved in the conscious memory of the abductee. Many abductees report a similar type of paralysis. They awake from sleep to find that their body is paralyzed and at best, are only able to move their eyes back and forth. It is during this moment of terrible fear that the strange beings approach them or step onto their bed. Then the aliens proceed to drag or "beam" the abductee, using an unknown technology, into the ship.
Once inside, the abductee is directed into a white curved circular room. In the middle of the room there is a metallic examining table which the abductee is instructed to lay upon after removing all his clothes (Some cases indicate that they were sitting up.) One or more aliens perform medical tests, psychological tests and intrusive physical examinations: probing orifices, extracting bodily fluids such as blood or sperm, and take tissue and egg samples. They also inject unknown fluids into various parts of our bodies. Small implants are placed deep into the victims nose, ear, eyelid, forehead, hand, or foot. Interbreeding is sometime evoked: the artificial insemination of women, followed by the removal of the grown embryo months later. The tools used to perform these examinations are unlike familiar surgical tools used by doctors. In many cases, the abductee can't even describe them. Sometimes, the abductees are placed in machines. Some mass abduction reports indicate the presence of one or more humans undergoing the same abduction procedure.
After the exams and surgery the abductee is instructed to get off the table and put on his clothes. The abductee is then escorted out of the white curved circular room. Often the abductee is taken to other parts of the ship: a room which has alien-human hybrid fetuses being grown in liquid filled tanks, a nursery room which contains alien-human hybrid children, sometimes a child is pointed out as being the abductee's offspring, a room where the abductee is instructed to view a console which details the Earth's past history and warns of the earth's future filled with violent events i.e. storms, cities on fire, volcanoes erupting, and devastated rain forests.
After such procedures the abductee is then returned to his home or car in the same unknown manner. The abducted person awakes in the morning and can remember very little about the events from the night before. However, for the most part, the abductee will detect an unusual injury, a wound or scars that were not yet there the night before. It has also become clear that abductions are not single events. They usually begin in early childhood and occur episodically again and again throughout the individual's life.
A surprising number of abductees suffer from serious illnesses they didn't have before their encounters. These have led to surgery, debilitation, and even death from cancer or internal causes the doctors can't identify.
Some abductees experience a degeneration of their mental, social, and spiritual well-being. Excessive behavior frequently erupts, such as drug abuse, alcoholism, overeating, and promiscuity. Strange obsessions develop and cause the disruption of normal life and the destruction of personal relationships.
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3:05 AM
Friday, November 23, 2007
The alien cross breeding
"At the heart of the reproductive agenda," he writes, "is the Breeding Program," using "extrauterine gestational units" that look like brown paper bags to impregnate menopausal women; "Mindscan" to create sexual arousal in unwilling victims; nasal implants to monitor negative thoughts, and "fetal extraction" to salvage the hybrid if its carrier thinks about abortion. Moreover, there's nothing we can do; already "it may be too late" to stop the threat of "alien integration," and the aliens could be coming very soon. “It is disturbing that the aliens and hybrids are primarily concerned with the Earth and not with human beings.” The implication is of a better world for the aliens, the hybrids and the abductees — but not the rest of the human race who are expendable, only some of who may be spared as a “small breeding population” for backup human genes.
Many abductees, he says, are being prepared for their future role, even trained to operate equipment. They recount being shown visions of mass destruction, environmental catastrophes, even the destruction of Earth itself. And the aliens suggest that they themselves can avert it, with the breeding program. After “the Change” there will again be peace and contentment brought by the aliens and their abductee helpers taking over the planet; truly a New World Order if ever there was one.
Preposterous as Jacobs's theory sounds -- and surely millennial social anxieties of intermarriage, immigration, artificial insemination and genetic engineering have something to do with his vision -- he presents it with serious intent, and undoubtedly many readers will believe him, just as they headed for the hillswhen Orson Welles broadcast his "War of the Worlds."
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7:28 AM
Thursday, November 22, 2007
The blue book
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3:37 AM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Ufo Abduction Cases
The ufo cases have been a major topic in the investigation of the ufos for the past few decades. The ufo abductions cases involve people being kidnapped without them knowing.Many people who have been abduction have brought proof of alien implants in their body. The doctors and scientists after taking the implant of of the body belive that the implant is some kind of a GPS system which the aliens use to detect the activites of the humans.Some of the abductions also involve the cross breeding of the human with an aliens. Some of the cases are.....
These are a few cases which took place in Australia
1. 1955 ADELAIDE, South Australia.A 10 year old girl, Janet X., was being treated for a slight nervous disorder. Whilst under hypnosis for this condition she recounted a story of her interaction with aliens and a flying saucer. Whilst in trance she spoke of being in a saucer with three "men", and of visiting a planet with an advanced society.
2. 11 August 1966 VICTORIA.A Miss Marlene Travers, of Melbourne, is reported to have observed a large silver disc land near her. It is claimed that she was abducted and raped by an alien wearing a loose fitting metallic green tunic. Investigations reveal that this account is most likely a journalistic hoax.
3. 1971 GLADSTONE, Queensland.A Finnish couple, Ben and Helen K. left Gladstone at about 11.35 p.m. and upon arrival in Rockhampton found that only 40 minutes had passed on a trip which would normally take much longer. In addition to the rapid trip they could not recall passing through intervening places although they recall seeing an unusual green light at one stage. Their 1971 Valiant sedan was reportedly covered with a thin film of odourless oil, and unusual marks were noted on the car's bonnet. Attempts at hypnotising the couple were unsuccessful.
4. July 1972 and subsequent times. FRANKSTON, Victoria.In early 1972 a Mrs Maureen Puddy reported observing a disc shaped object in the sky. Later in July she related that her car stopped itself as the same object hovered overhead. Several months later she recounted being "mentally" abducted into a room, and of observing an entity there. This latter event occurred whilst two other people were physically present with Mrs Puddy but they only reported that Mrs Puddy lapsed into unconsciousness. On a later occasion she said the entity again appeared to her when she was driving the car.
5. 1973 SPRINGWOOD, New South Wales.One night 2 men were asleep in a caravan on a remote building site, when one was awoken by a blue light projecting from a hovering aerial disc. A time lapse occurred of some 2 hours. He felt that some "beings-Caucasian types" were somehow involved.
6. 1974 CANBERRA, Australian Capital Territory.Two young women felt compelled to get into their car which then allegedly drove itself to a certain spot. They were escorted by a brilliant white light source. Vague human shapes were seen as well as strange noises heard. There was an episode of "missing time" involved.
7. 1975/76 SYDNEY, New South Wales.A women recalls that as a young girl, aged 4-5 years, she saw a small being with large eyes in her bedroom during the day time. She had little conscious recall of details of the event other than that she felt she went "somewhere else".
8. September 1978 JINDABYNE, New South Wales.Two young men, out hunting, reported seeing a bright white spherical light on the ground some little distance away. Next night it was seen again. In 1983 one of the men began to recall memories of a 2 hour time lapse on one of those nights. One memory was of the 2 men being floated into a room where they were placed on a table and examined by tall, white coloured beings.
9. 1978-1982 NEW SOUTH WALES.A Sydney woman woke up feeling agitated and heard a voice. Figures appeared and said to come with them. She went through a doorway into a room where she watched a scene on a screen. This screen showed pictures of her future life, which later came true. The case is currently under active investigation.
10. 1976 ELLIOTT, Northern Territory.An old man is said to have been abducted after a bright object landed near him. Beings alighted and took him aboard. He said they asked him questions about life on Earth and our activities, before they returned him unharmed to the pick up point.
11. 1976 Country New South Wales.A 31 year old woman was overcome by a feeling of sickness, whilst vacuuming her house. 3 strange figures were seen in front of her. There was apparently telepathic communication and advice that she had to go with them. The next thing she remembers is it was 5 hours later and her fiancee had arrived home.
12. February 1976 HOBART, Tasmania.A man and his wife had gone to bed, and she fell asleep leaving him awake. Suddenly through the closed door came 3 figures. One tried to put a bag over the man's legs in an apparent abduction attempt. He attempted to awake his wife, whereupon the figures departed through the window.
13. Mar 1977 GISBORNE, New Zealand.Three women were involved in an apparent abduction case in the midst of a large UFO flap. Regression hypnosis on one women revealed a story of entering an object and talking to an entity.
14. 10 Jan 1978 BAKERS CREEK FALLS, New South Wales.Gary P. had been driving alone in the early hours of the morning when he found himself unaccountably stationary on the side of the road at 5 a.m. He was unable to clearly remember the previous 160km. Whilst stationary he noted a really bright light hovering some distance away. Although he tried to get close to it he could not.
15. Feb 1978 BALADONIA, Western Australia.A memory lapse of 3-3 1/2 hours is said to have been associated with the observation of two unusual lights. During this time a 30 year old truck driver says he recalls: "...talking to somebody about inventing something...also I remember speaking with two voices..." Investigators have been unable to learn more about this account.
16. 21 October 1978 BASS STRAIT.20 year old Frederick Valentich disappeared over Bass Strait whilst flying a Cessna aircraft between Melbourne and King Island. One of the suggestions put forward was that he had been abducted by the occupants of an object which he reported observing just before radio contact was lost with him.
17. 1979 NILDOTTIE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA.Don and Jack recounted an abduction experience, which is alleged to have occurred near the River Murray. They were preparing for dinner when beings entered their house. They experienced a time lapse and next thing they were standing by a large silver craft. They were subjected to psychological testing for several hours before realising they were back at their kitchen table.
18. 1979 MELBOURNE, Victoria.A man named Mark retired to bed one night at about 11 p.m. Shortly after closing his eyes he lost all sense of sound and feeling and he found himself travelling in a tunnel through space. Looking forwards he noted a light at the end of the tunnel. His next awareness was of lying on a table in a "craft". He was medically examined by 3 beings, after which he panicked and then awoke in his own bed.
19. 5 Feb 1979 LAWITTA, Tasmania.At about 9 p.m. an intense white light lit up the bonnet of a car driven by a young man. The car engine stopped, the radio went dead and the lights went out. Later that evening the man was picked by police in Hobart for driving the car without lights. They found him to be in a dazed condition and he did not know where he was. He was taken to hospital apparently suffering from shock. The man wished no further investigation of the matter.
20. 24 October 1981 PORT LINCOLN, South Australia.Two young men, Messrs P. and J. were travelling in a car near Port Lincoln when they encountered "a white endless space" where a time loss of several hours is said to have occurred. During this lost time they have vague memories of a "being" and recalled "...walking into a big room". Just prior to the "space" they had been watching a mysterious light in the sky. Arrangements to have the men undergo a full investigation including hypnotic regression were unsuccessful
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5:20 AM
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
the roswell crash
"Roswell," the very mention of the word brings images of a crashed UFO, aliens, government cover-up, autopsies, hidden debris, guarded charred bodies, and weather balloons. In the history of UFO reports, no case has received the world-wide attention as the Roswell event of 1947. Not only did the alleged crash of a flying saucer create mass coverage at the time of the event, but remains today as an often discussed case by which all other cases are judged. So many books and articles have been written about Roswell, it is not an easy task to write another, but I feel that no UFO enthusiast cannot include it among his comments. The Roswell event is the cornerstone of UFO research. The case offers everything one could imagine; a crash of some flying craft, direct, hands on testimony of witnesses who handled crash debris, government cover-up and secrecy, and most of all a list of participants which is generally listed at around 500 first and secondhand testimonials.
Ironically, the alleged crash story originally died as quickly as it began. It would be many years before UFO researchers refueled the fire behind its enormous potential. Most all of us are familiar with the famous Roswell headline stating that the Army had captured a "flying saucer," and then the retraction a few hours later, substituting a balloon for the crashed saucer. At the time of the original event, a sense of naivety and trust gave birth to a rapid, quiet acceptance of the retraction, and there the event died. But, fortunately, it was resurrected in 1976, and has kept pace with all other events of the last 50+ years. It would be January 1976, when ufologists William Moore, and Stanton R. Friedman were mulling over some interview notes from two witnesses whom Friedman had met with. A man and a woman, who both had knowledge of a crashed saucer in July 1947 in Corona, New Mexico were the key witnesses.
A retired Air Force officer, Major Jesse A. Marcel asserted that he had first hand involvement in the crash debris, and the Air Force cover-up. The woman was Lydia Sleppy, who had been employed at an Albuquerque radio station KOAT. She claimed that the military had covered-up the story of a crashed saucer, and the bodies of "little men," who were aboard the craft. She also claimed that the Air Force had literally stopped the sending of a teletype news report of the incident.
The USA Military had announced to the world that it had captured a flying saucer on a remote ranch in Corona, and then about four hours later corrected the story, saying that what was found was just a weather balloon with a radar reflector kite. We have two stories. Which one is the truth? Though subsequent confirmations of the balloon theory continue, as long as we have firsthand witnesses who defy this explanation, the investigation must continue. Of all of the explanations given to Project Bluebook, it is quite strange that the Roswell story was never mentioned. The story that died so quickly was rarely mentioned from the beginning, the only one, to my knowledge, was in a mid-1950's lecture by UFO enthusiast Frank Edward. It seems that from the beginning, a grass roots group of believers would perpetuate this grand story. When we solve the puzzle of the many UFO reports, it will be due to this grass roots movement. The truth is hard to kill.
It would be June 24, 1947, when the term, "flying saucer" was coined by pilot Kenneth Arnold. He used this term to describe UFOs flying over Mr. Ranier, and only a couple of weeks later, the phrase was used by the Air Force to explain what had been found in Corona, New Mexico. The alleged crash debris was flown to Eight Army Air Force Headquarters in Ft. Worth, Texas, and somehow between the time that Jesse Marcel Sr. had handled the "other worldly" material and its arrival in Ft. Worth, the strange material had lost its luster, and became just a weather balloon. The Air Force had effectively murdered the eye witness accounts, and made fools of all who were involved. Marcel would categorically state that the debris he held in his hands, and showed to his family, was not the same material shown in photos of the "balloon wreckage."
What happened to the saucer debris? An uncertified, but controversial document might provide an answer. Supposedly a brief prepared for then President-elect Dwight D. Eisenhower, this document was authored on November 18, 1952. It asserts that on September 24, 1947, President Harry S. Truman ordered the genesis of the highly top-secret "Operation Majestic-12," to study the remains of the Roswell crash. These papers would arrive in a plain manilla envelope, postmarked Albuquerque, in the post of Los Angeles television producer Jaime Shandera in December 1984. In the early part of 1987, another copy was given to Timothy Good, a British ufologist. Good released it to the British press in May. These documents caused quite a stir, but their authenticity cannot be established beyond doubt. The jury is still out on the MJ-12 papers, but many ufologists view it as a hoax. The issue itself is not insurmountable, however, as a huge amount of evidence still remains to establish the Roswell crash as a reality.
The Roswell saga actually began in Silver City, New Mexico on June 25. Dr. R. F. Sensenbaugher, a dentist, reported sighting a saucer-shaped UFO fly over, that was about one-half the size of the full moon. Two days later, in Pope, New Mexico, W. C. Dobbs reported a white, glowing object flying overhead, not too far from the White Sands missile range. On the same day, Captain E. B. Detchmendy reported to his commanding officer that he saw a white, glowing UFO pass over the missile range. Two days later, on June 29, Rocket expert C. J. Zohn and three of his technicians, who were stationed at White Sands, watched a giant silver disc moving northward over the desert. On July 2, a UFO was tracked at three separate installations; Alamogordo, White Sands, and Roswell. In Roswell, on the same day, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wilmot saw a UFO. They report its appearance as "two inverted saucers faced mouth to mouth," moving at a high rate of speed over their house. Enter rancher Mac Brazel.
Mac Brazel
The events of Roswell began on either July 2 or July 4 (there is some disagreement here). A throwback to western days, William W. "Mac" Brazel, a sheep rancher, would etch his name forever into UFO history, a designation that he neither desired, nor appreciated. A common working man, Brazel was foreman of the Foster Ranch in Lincoln County, near Corona, New Mexico. Brazel was a family man, but his wife and children lived in Tularosa, near Alamogordo. The reason for this arrangement was so his children could attend better schools than they would at Corona. Brazel stayed in an older house on the ranch, where he tended sheep, and the general chores of the ranch. He was a simple man, content with his job, family, and his life. Mac would be thrust into the limelight for a brief period of time, and ultimately regret ever reporting what he was about to discover on the range of the Foster Ranch.
An evening thunderstorm was raging at the close of another workday, The storm was highlighted by numerous bolts of lightning. These summer storms were not uncommon for these parts, but this evening Mac noticed something different.. a sound, like an explosion mingled with the typical sounds of a storm. Two of Mac's children were staying with him that night at his farm house. Mac retired with his two children, and temporarily forgot about the sounds of that night. The next day's sun brought Mac out again to ride the fences, and check on his sheep. He was accompanied that day with a seven-year-old neighbor boy, William D. "Dee" Proctor, who often rode with Mac.
As they rode into the open field, ahead of them they noticed an area about a quarter of a mile long and several hundred feet wide, covered with debris of some type. The debris was composed of small pieces of a shiny, metallic material, a material that Mac had never seen before. The sheep would not cross the fragmented pieces, and they had to be taken the long way around that day. Because of the curious nature of the debris, Mac picked up some of it and carried it back to store in a shed. Little did he know the significance of his find.
One of his children, Bessie Brazel recalled: "There was what appeared to be pieces of heavily waxed paper and a sort of aluminum-like foil. Some of these pieces had something like numbers and lettering on them, but there were no words you were able to make out. Some of the metal-foil pieces had a sort of tape stuck to them, and when these were held to the light they showed what looked like pastel flowers or designs. Even though the stuff looked like tape it could not be peeled off or removed at all."
"[The writing] looked like numbers mostly, at least I assumed them to be numbers. They were written out like you would write numbers in columns to do an addition problem. But they didn't look like the numbers we use at all. What gave me the idea they were numbers, I guess, was the way they were all ranged out in columns."
"No, it was definitely not a balloon. We had seen weather balloons quite a lot, both on the ground and in the air. We had even found a couple of Japanese-style balloons that had come down in the area once. We had also picked up a couple of those thin rubber weather balloons with instrument packages. This was nothing like that. I have never seen anything resembling this sort of thing before,- or since..."
Later that afternoon, Mac took young Dee Proctor back home, a journey of about 10 miles. He took along a piece of the debris that he had found, and showed it to Dee's parents, Floyd, and Loretta. Mac tried to get the Proctors to go back with him, and look at the strange material strewn in the fields.
Floyd Proctor would later state: "[He said] it wasn't paper because he couldn't cut it with his knife, and the metal was different from anything he had ever seen. He said the designs looked like the kind of stuff you would find on firecracker wrappers...some sort of figures all done up in pastels, but not writing like we would do it."
Loretta Proctor remembered: "The piece he brought looked like a kind of tan, light-brown plastic...it was very lightweight, like balsa wood. It wasn't a large piece, maybe about four inches long, maybe just larger than a pencil.""We cut on it with a knife and would hold a match on it, and it wouldn't burn. We knew it wasn't wood. It was smooth like plastic, it didn't have real sharp corners, kind of like a dowel stick. Kind of dark tan. It didn't have any grain...just smooth."
"We should have gone [to look at the debris field], but gas and tires were expensive then. We had our own chores, and it would have been twenty miles."
Jesse Marcel Sr.
The first hint that the debris could be "not of this world" would come the next night from Mac's uncle, Hollis Wilson. Mac told Hollis about his find, and Hollis urged Mac to report the findings, since there had been reports of "flying saucers" in the area as of late. On July 6, Mac was going to Roswell to strike up a deal for a new pickup truck. He took along some of the debris, and stopped off at the Chaves County Sheriff's Office and spoke to George Wilcox. The story of the find was not significant to Wilcox until he actually handled a piece of the silvery material. Wilcox telephoned the Roswell Army Air Field, and spoke to one Major Jesse A. Marcel, who was the base intelligence officer. Marcel told the Sheriff he would come into Roswell and talk to Brazel about his find. Word of the goings on began to spread rapidly in the community, and soon Mac was talking to radio station KGFL about the incident. Mac told the station what he knew over the telephone.
Marcel and Brazel met at the Sheriff's office. Mac told Marcel what he knew, and showed him a piece of debris. Marcel reported the results of his interview to Colonel William H. Blanchard back at Roswell Army Base. A decision was made for Brazel to go out to the site, and investigate for himself. Marcel would take his old Buick, and Army Counter Intelligence Corps officer Sheridan Cavitt accompanied him in a Jeep all-terrain vehicle. Following Marcel back to the ranch, it was too late that day to visit the site, so they all three stayed in Mac's ranch house. After a dinner of beans, the three headed to the site the next morning. After a brief look around, Mac left Marcel and Cavitt, returning to his chores.
Radio station KGFL reporter Frank Joyce informed his boss, Walt Whitmore Sr. about the recent developments, and Whitmore drove out and picked up Brazel and took him to his home in Roswell. There an interview took place, all taped into a recorder, but the interview would never be made public. Threats from the military would prevent the transmission of the tape. The next day, Whitmore took Brazel to the radio station, and called the Roswell Army Base. What Whitmore told the Base is not known exactly, but the military came and picked Mac up, and transported him to the base, where he was a "guest" of sorts, for about a week. On July 8, the military returned Mac to the Roswell Daily Record, where a press conference was conducted.
Oddly enough, Mac's story was somewhat different after his "stay" at Roswell Army Base. Mac now said that he and his son had discovered the debris on June 14, but he was so busy, that he didn't pay it any attention. He stated that some weeks later, on July 4th, he, his wife, and two children drove out to the debris field, and collected some samples. Among the collection were gray rubber strips, tinfoil, a type of heavy paper, and small wooden sticks. Mac further asserted that he had found balloons on several occasions, but that this debris was totally different from the other finds. "I am sure what I found was not any weather observation balloon," he said. "But if I find anything else beside a bomb they are going to have a hard time getting me to say anything about it," he said.
Mac's military escort led him out to a car after the conference, and drove him to KGFL. Eye witness accounts say that as Mac left the newspaper office, he kept his head pointed to the ground, and did not speak to any of his friends who were present at the time. Brazel went into the radio station without his escort, and began telling Frank Joyce the same story he had related at the press conference. Joyce was shocked by the sudden change in the story's details, and interrupted Brazel at one point, asking him why he had changed his story. Brazel became upset at the question, and stated, "It'll go hard on me."
After this interview, Mac was taken back to the Army Base. After finally being released from Roswell Base, suddenly Mac didn't want to discuss his find anymore. Those who knew him say that in private, he complained about his harsh treatment by the military. He was not allowed even to call his wife during his stay at the base, and he told his children that he took an oath to never discuss the details of the debris field. Within a year after finding the strange debris, Mac had moved off the ranch he loved so much, into the town of Tularosa, where he opened a small business of his own. He passed away in 1963. All of this for a weather balloon?
Major Jesse A. Marcel was the intelligence officer at Roswell Army Air Force Base, which was home of the only bomb group in existence at the time. It should be noted that all of the personnel at the base had high security clearance. Marcel was a veteran officer, who was trusted fully. He had been a highly skilled cartographer before World War II, and was sent to intelligence training by the Army, because of his impeccable character. He was even an instructor for a time at the training school. He also logged over 450 hours of combat duty as a pilot during the War, and was highly decorated with five air medals for shooting down enemy aircraft. After the War ended, he was chosen as a member of the 509th Bomb Wing, handling security for "Operation Crossroads," which conducted nuclear testing in 1946. After being awarded a commendation for his work on the nuclear project, he was named the intelligence officer for Roswell AAFB.
Marcel was on a lunch break when he received a phone call from Sheriff Wilcox. Wilcox informed him that rancher Mac Brazel had found debris from a crash of some object on a sheep ranch. Marcel went to town, talked to Brazel, and reported his findings to Colonel Blanchard. Marcel was given orders to go to the site, which he did, accompanied by CIC officer Sheridan Cavitt. Arriving too late for ample light for a search, the two soldiers spent the night with Brazel, and then proceeded to the sight the next morning.
Marcell related the events of the search through the debris in his own words: "When we arrived at the crash site, it was amazing to see the vast amount of area it covered."
"...it scattered over an area of about three quarters of a mile long, I would say, and fairly wide, several hundred feet wide. "It was definitely not a weather or tracking device, nor was it any sort of plane or missile."
"I don't know what it was, but it certainly wasn't anything built by us and it most certainly wasn't any weather balloon."
"...small beams about three eighths or a half inch square with some sort of hieroglyphics on them that nobody could decipher. These looked something like balsa wood, and were about the same weight, except that they were not wood at all. They were very hard, although flexible, and would not burn at all. There was a great deal of an unusual parchment-like substance which was brown in color and extremely strong, and great number of small pieces of a metal like tinfoil, except that it wasn't tinfoil. I was interested in electronics and kept looking for something that resembled instruments or electronic equipment, but I didn't find anything.
"...Cavitt, I think, found a black, metallic-looking box several inches square. As there was no apparent way to open this, and since it didn't appear to be an instrument package of any sort, we threw it in with the rest of the stuff." "It had little numbers with symbols that we had to call hieroglyphics because I could not understand them. They were pink and purple. They looked like they were painted on. I even took my cigarette lighter and tried to burn the material we found that resembled parchment and balsa, but it would not burn , wouldn't even smoke," "...the pieces of metal that we brought back were so thin, just like the tinfoil in a pack of cigarettes," "...you could not tear or cut it either. We even tried making a dent in it with a sixteen-pound sledgehammer, and there was still no dent in it." Having rode to the site in two vehicles, Marcel sent Cavitt back to the base with his Jeep full of the material, and Marcel took his Buick, and stopped by his house to show his wife and son his amazing find.
Jesse Marcel Jr.
Dr. Jesse Marcel Jr.(Marcel's son):
"The material was foil-like stuff, very thin, metallic-like but not metal, and very tough. There was also some structural-like material too,- beams and so on. Also a quantity of black plastic material which looked organic in nature." "Imprinted along the edge of some of the beam remnants were hieroglyphic-type characters."
When Marcel arrived back at the base, he was instructed by Colonel Blanchard to load the debris on a B-29, and fly with it to Wright Field in Ohio, stopping on the way at Carswell AAFB in Ft. Worth, Texas. The military was hard at work at Roswell. Colonel Walter Haut was given an order from Col. Blanchard to write a press release stating that the RAAF had in its possession a "crashed saucer." According to Haut, the saucer was transported to the 8th Air Force, to be turned over to General Ramey. Haut discharged his duty, and finished the press release he'd been ordered to write, giving copies of the release to the two radio stations and both of the newspapers. The famous headlines hit the newspapers.
When Marcel arrived at Carswell, Brigadier General Roger Ramey, Commander of the 8th Air Force took full charge of the case. The debris from Brazel's field was taken into Ramey's office, and photographed. The photographer was James Bond Johnson. Marcel was in one photo with the real debris. Ramey took Marcel into another office, and upon their return to Ramey's office, some new and different material was spread on the floor. Marcel, under orders, stated that this debris was from a weather balloon. After more photos were taken, Ramey sent Marcel back to Roswell, along with a stern warning not to disclose anything he had seen at Carswell. It was then reported that General Ramey recognized the remains as part of a weather balloon. Brigadier General Thomas DuBose, the chief of staff of the Eighth Air Force, after many years of silence would state: "[It] was a cover story. The whole balloon part of it. That was the part of the story we were told to give to the public and news and that was it." There can be NO doubt that the orders to cover-up the saucer story came from our Chief Executive.
General Ramey
Marcel was stunned to find upon his return to his home base, that he was made a laughing stock because he ignorantly misidentified the balloon material with that of "something unknown." Some three months later, however, Marcel was promoted to Lt. Colonel, and assigned to a new program. He was in charge of testing atmospheric particles to detect Russian atomic discharges. When he was interviewed in 1978, he maintained that the debris he found on the Foster ranch was definitely NOT a weather balloon. He insisted that it was like nothing he had ever seen...
Through the first part of the Roswell story, we have heard of strange debris, and two different explanations of what that debris was. So what about the alleged alien bodies, an actual saucer on the ground, or an alien autopsy? To accurately continue our quest for all of the facts behind the Roswell case, me move to a new location. The site is San Agustin, near Magdalena, New Mexico. This story is based upon the testimony of Vern and Jean Maltais. The couple states that in February 1950, an engineer friend of theirs, Grady L. "Barney" Barnett told them that while working in the fields near Magdalena, July 3, 1947, he had come upon a crashed disc-shaped object. This flying disc had alien bodies strewn about it. There were aliens inside and outside of the craft. As important as this seems, there is a flaw in his story. It seems that Barnett's wife kept a diary of his comings and goings. His wife stated that his diary did not corroborate the date as July 3, 1947. This may or not mean anything, as surely a mistake could have been made, or a date mixed up, or plans changed after the entry was made.
Barnett's claims were controversial though, until yet another witness would come forward which would shed new light on his claims. After an airing of a "Roswell Crash" segment on the popular "Unsolved Mysteries" show in 1990, Gerald Anderson came forward with some fascinating details. Anderson states that he and his family were hunting rocks on the Plains of San Agustin in early July 1947, when they also came upon a crashed saucer-shaped craft. The craft had four dead aliens inside. Though Gerald was only six years old at the time, the extraordinary sighting was one he would never forget. To take matters a step further, archaeologist, Dr. Buskirk, and five of his students also came upon the crash scene. Anderson's story also has holes in it, however. It seems that Dr. Buskirk was a former teacher of Anderson. Records indicate that the Doctor was in Arizona at the time of the alleged sighting.
There is also a case for a second crash near Roswell. Testimony of mortician Glenn Dennis, along with Captain Oliver Wendell "Pappy" Henderson seem to substantiate this theory. The actions of the military can tell us a lot. Supposedly cordoning off the area, and removing every iota of the debris field does not make sense if all that was there was weather balloon material. Much importance must also be put upon Marcel. His word seems to be above reproach. He states without wavering that the debris was NOT balloon material. He should know. He also states that the debris he brought from Brazel's field was NOT the debris in the newspaper photographs. What about all of the eyewitnesses? In all fairness, it must be said that many of the witnesses are NOT first hand. We know how stories can be changed, or amended by being passed down the line. But there are also many firsthand witnesses. What about their testimony? If their stories are all lies, then a large group of people, some unbeknownst to the others, have perpetuated one of the best organized conspiracies in the last century. Let's examine the testimony of these "first hand" witnesses. Maybe the truth is out there after all. Is there a way to reconcile all of the different theories into one authentic account of the events of Roswell?
What about the alien bodies? There are many rumors about the "little men." Some say there were three, some say four, some even count 5. Let's see if we can find the truth behind the rumors by relying on eye witness testimony.
Ray Danzer, a plumbing contractor, was working on the Roswell Base. He was standing outside of the emergency room, when he saw alien bodies being brought into the base hospital on stretchers. Dumbfounded by the event, he was shaken back to reality by military police who warned him to leave, and forget what he saw.
Steve MacKenzie saw four bodies around the crashed UFO. He said that another one was out of sight.
Major Edwin Easley was commander of the Military Police who cordoned off the crash site. He related to his family that he made a promise to the President that he would never speak of what he saw that day.
Major Edwin Easley
Herbert Ellis, a painting contractor at Roswell AAFB, reported that he saw an alien "walking" into the Roswell Army hospital.
Mary Bush, who was secretary to the base hospital administrator, told mortician Glenn Dennis that she saw "a creature from another world." She was called on to assist two doctors in a hospital room where three "alien" bodies were being examined. Though suffocated by an overwhelming odor from the bodies, she clearly recalled that the aliens had four fingers, and no thumbs.
Joseph Montoya, Lt. Governor of New Mexico, told Pete Anaya that he had seen "four little men." One of them was still alive. He states that they had oversized heads, with big eyes. Their mouth was small, like a cut across a piece of wood. "I tell you they're not from this world."
Sergeant Thomas Gonzales, with the 509th, was a guard at the crash site, and saw bodies he called "little men."
A member of the Army COINTEL, Frank Kaufman, saw a "strange looking craft embedded in a cliff." He also states that he saw debris being put into crates which were stored under heavy military guard at Roswell AAFB.
Frank Kaufman
Again, we must ask the question. Are all of these witnesses lying? Are these stories simply fabrications? What are the odds? How far would this kind of testimony go in a court of law? The conclusion to me is obvious. Although every tiny detail can be put under a microscope to find fault and error, it is only a normal human assumption to believe this story. There is just too much evidence to support it. Many researchers have, in my opinion, wasted countless hours trying to find fault in a report by one witness or so. At times, there have been discrepancies found in a date, a name misspelled, a time of day an hour or two off, and these researchers believe that the ability to discredit one witness makes it logical to assume that ALL of the other witnesses who say essentially the same thing are not to be believed. On the contrary, when so many agree on one general concept, even with small errors in detail, all the more reason to believe the consensus of the gist of the whole.
There can be NO doubt that a flying craft of unknown origin crashed into the deserts of New Mexico. At least three dead bodies were found, and examined. It seems that possibly one of the aliens lived through the crash. Many theories abound about the location of these bodies, and the crash debris. I have no answers to that end. There are just too many first-hand witnesses to the events of Roswell not to believe their accounts. The saga of Roswell continues even today.
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